Friday, January 15, 2010

So, my first attempt at blogging.  I have been in desperate need of a place to organize my thoughts for some time now and figured I would finally hop on the blogging bandwagon.  For awhile now, I've tried to avoid examining the current state of my life, fearful of what the truth may bring.  Growing up, I always had a plan: do well in high school in order to get into a great college, do well in college in order to get into a great law school, do well in law school in order to get hired by a top law firm.  Check, check, check.  However, I didn't anticipate a recession that would leave me, and most of my law school friends, unemployed.  And as the days pass, I'm beginning to wonder: why did I ever become a lawyer in the first place?

Adding to the stressful questioning of my career choice, I've noticed I'm a little like "Maggie Carpenter" from Runaway Bride (minus all the fiances); I change who I am, my likes and dislikes, priorities, etc with every guy I date.  Yes, I know how I like my eggs (scrambled), but what I don't understand is how I've drifted so far from the person I always thought myself to be.  I've had a few serious relationships and while I am currently dating someone, I constantly question if he's the one and how I have managed to last 2+ years with someone I seem to barely like and can hardly stand.

So, with all that said, this blog will focus on me spending 100 days examining my life and figuring out who I really am (trite, I know).  There's the basics that anyone close to me eventually learns: I'm extremely generous, have a hard time handling stress, love to drink Bacardi diets and wear 7 jeans (hence the blog title), am (slightly) controlling, and would rather be house poor than live in a non-updated apartment.  But, beyond that, who knows?  I say I love design, yet I find my home and clothes to constantly lack style.  I claim to be an intellectual, yet I dislike reading books beyond chick lit, self-help, and murder mysteries.  You get the picture.

Okay, well, here goes nothing.  I will try to update daily and include pictures when I can.  

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